NaijaFavorite WhatsApp interview with zizi

NaijaFavorite:Zizi welcome to naijafavorite interview room
Zizi:Thank you
NaijaFavorite:How are you doing?
Zizi:I'm fine thanks
NaijaFavorite:Tell us about your experience as a model?
Zizi:Well, It's been very great,but honestly it takes a lot
NaijaFavorite:What is your greatest weakness, as a model? What are you doing to improve on it?
I have couple of weaknesses, but then,I’m not very good at gauging how long a task will take me to finish. I quite often underestimate the time it will take to do smaller jobs. The result is that I don’t delegate enough time to larger, more important projects. I have to rush to get things done.
NaijaFavorite:What is your greatest strength, as a model?
Zizi:I'm well-organized,committed.
I never get rattled,
Which makes my modelling career quite easy
NaijaFavorite:Why did you choose to pursue a career as a model?
Zizi:Because I've always had passion for it,I've always loved fashion
NaijaFavorite:It was ur dream
NaijaFavorite:What are your goals as a model?
Zizi:currently, i have a part-time retail job, not out of necessity but more as back up revenue. which i personally think is a smart thing to do with the uncertain nature of this industry. however, i want to work enough to be able to completely survive on my income from modeling (as well as track and field.) i plan to always have some other revenue of income but ultimately i want my modeling income to reflect that of a successful full time working model.
NaijaFavorite:As a model, have you ever broken a contract, NDA, or confidentiality agreement?
NaijaFavorite:When was that?
Zizi:Early this year
NaijaFavorite:Models need to be clear communicators. Rate your communication skills from 1-10.
NaijaFavorite:why seven
Zizi:Well because I still have very little fright
NaijaFavorite:How do you handle a situation where a photographer does not properly direct you?
Zizi:I'll check my mood...and try to be interested rather than interesting
NaijaFavorite:When entering a new modeling gig, describe how you build relationships with the creative team or your fellow models.
Zizi:The foundation of every good relationship is solid communication. Whether you are communicating via e-mail, phone, or face to face, you want to make sure that you communicate clearly and effectively with fellow models
NaijaFavorite:When have you worked among a diverse group of people?
Zizi:Yeah...Early this year,when I was invited for a shoot
NaijaFavorite:Host by who?
Zizi:Some hair brand
NaijaFavorite:Do people see you as a trustworthy and honest individual?
NaijaFavorite:How do you deal in uncomfortable situations?
Zizi:Whenever you're in an uncomfortable situation it's easy to get anxious, tense, and stressed out. Those are emotions that are only going to add you're already foul mood. But, taking a deep breath prior to entering any awkward situation can help you relax. When you're relaxed, you're relieving all of that stress and anxiety, which should help lift your spirits.
NaijaFavorite:Would you consider yourself a creative person?
Zizi:Yeah, because I always want something new and recreate it in my own way
NaijaFavorite:Being a reliable model is of utmost importance. How would you describe your work ethic?
Zizi:People who are dependable are considered reliable. When you’re considered reliable, you are looked upon as a leader.
And I'm dependable
NaijaFavorite:When you suffer a setback during a shoot, how do you recover?
Zizi:Positive thinking, rather, is used so that we can learn, grow, and evolve from what we experience
This does not mean try to fail. It simply means that if you are faced with a setback, understand it is not your final destination. It is a stepping-stone in your journey that is getting you to where you need to be.the earlier you realize and get back on track,the better
NaijaFavorite:How would you react if asked to do a shoot you were not comfortable with? What are your limitations?
Zizi:I don't do shoots I'm not comfortable with,because the shoot won't come out well.
NaijaFavorite:Thanks for joining us in the show @ zizi
Zizi:The pleasure is mine đŸ˜ŠđŸ˜Š


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